Yes, Lisa.
OK! Market at the Square 2009 will be underway less than 12 hours from now. Come on out between 7 AM and noon to pick up your:
baby bok choi
shiitake mushrooms
salad mix
turnip greens
green onions
goat cheese
100% legal baked goods (some by indie bakers!)
vegetable starts
original works of art
etc etc etc
Free coffee: this warm fuzzy will be back later in May - many, many thanks to Hanford Inn and Suites in Urbana for the sponsorship this season. However, it should be noted that vendors within the Market as well as other local businesses sell awesome coffees - some local roasts, some fairly-traded, some organic, all delicious. Make sure to show them some love, too.
Dogs at the Market - if you're a dog owner who loves bringing your four-legged pal to the Market, please stop by the City tent (northwest corner of the Market) to grab the EZ version of our policy regarding dogs. Fido and Spot are more than welcome at the Market as long as the basic guidelines are observed. The long version of the policy will be on our website next week. Thanks!
Outside the Market:
I've heard a rumor that Great Impasta will be doing a breakfast based on ingredients found at the Market - might want to meander over there, since it's just north of the Market lot, in the former Milo's location.
Common Ground Food Co-op will have special Saturday hours during the 7-month Market season - they'll open with the Market at 7 and close at 9. Yes!
We'll see you out there!
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