This week's Market is our 14th; after it's over, we'll be just past the halfway point of the season. Halfway already??
This here entry will be short due to the fact I'll be out visiting Moore Family Farm in Watseka tomorrow (the same Moore Family Farm that produced the above cabbage and lettuce) during my usual posting time and so don't have much time to talk about this weekend. Just as well - this weekend we get a bit of a breather, if you call a sold-out Market loaded with fresh produce, several new artisans, crazy amounts of prepared food, and the Urbana Free Library a breather.
About last weekend - it was spectacular. We had beautiful weather for the day's Sprouts activity and the kids seemed to have an excellent time tasting fruits and vegetables. Big thanks to the growers whose generosity made the Sprouts event such a hit:
Moore Family Farm
O'Rourke Family Gardens
Kleiss Produce Farm
Meyer Produce
Blue Moon Farm
First Fruits Produce Co.
Tomahnous Farm
Tiny Greens
Mileur Orchard
Brackett CSA
Jerry & Dawn's Plants & Produce
Also, many, many thanks to Common Ground Food Co-op for the use of their kitchen. Without you, we'd have been nothing!
The next Sprouts event will be August 22. It's going to be all about... corn. More info soon!
That's all I have for now. See you at the Market!
Use of the CG kitchen... was there prepared food as part of the Sprouts program, or something else?
Anything cut has to be prepared in a certified kitchen!
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