Yes, we're open for biz this weekend, featuring our regular hours (7 AM-noon, if you're new) and most of the usual suspects. Good thing, too, because the weather this Saturday will be phenomenal. I guess it's fitting, somehow, to have our first real hint of fall on Labor Day weekend, the Unofficial Last Day of Summer.
I can tell we're sliding toward the Equinox when this is what things look like at 6:20 in the morning.

Last weekend was great, everyone. Thanks for coming out and visiting:

This weekend, besides terrific weather and the return of some folks who have been missed (Veggie Trails, Fryer Tuck, and Danville Gardens come immediately to mind), we have the Urbana Free Library in residence, right next to the City tent. I'm sure they'll be bringing their swag and some books and will be signing folks up for library cards and filling balloons with helium for the kids, as they always do the first market of each month. Their staff is terrific and it's an AWESOME library. Stop by and say hello.
Speaking of saying hello, we've noticed a few people "coming out" on Facebook and admitting they've never attended the Market. PLEASE stop by the City tent and say hello if you decide to venture to the Market for the first time - we'd love to meet you! Also, if you're a Market regular with friends and/or family visiting for the holiday weekend, the Market is a terrific place to bring them if you're looking for a way to shop for your holiday provisions and show them a good time at the same time. Again, we love to meet people new to the Market - we're right by the northwest entrance.
Speaking of the City tent, a lot happens there. It's the Market staff's base of operations for the day's events; it's where the City of Urbana promotes the Market and other City events and initiatives; it's where you should come if you're lost (or where you should check if you've lost someone); it's where we sell our Market t-shirts and tote bags; and it's also where you can come and buy credit/debit/LINK tokens using credit/debit and LINK cards. Cash and checks are still accepted by all vendors, of course - this is just another way to pay for your purchases that's accepted by all vendors. Questions? just ask - we're happy to explain how it all works.
See you Saturday!
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