Nectarines came in last week, and holy MOLEY, are they something. The ones pictured above come from Mileur Orchard in Murphysboro, IL.
Anyway, this is the time of year we wait for - there's an incredible selection of produce and farm-raised foods available. Patrons spending money with Market growers ensures their survival and keeps money in the local community. So - now's the time to make that 4th of July picnic list, and Saturday's the time to come by the Market and pick up your list items.
Have guests for the weekend? Roust them out of bed and show them how we do it here in Urbana - take them to buy some peaches from Sager Farms or blueberries from Cary's Garden of Eatin' or Moore Family Farm, run them past Prairie Fruits Farm's booth for some of their award-winning goat cheeses, convince them to try the first tomatoes of the season from Kleiss Produce (or some organic ones from Blue Moon Farm) - the possibilities are endless.
Lisa and Angie will be out at the Market directing traffic and surveying the scene - please stop by the City of Urbana tent with questions, comments, ideas, whatever about the Market. We love feedback.
See you out there!
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