... like these from Cary's Garden of Eatin' in Urbana, IL. There'll be plenty of strawberries to go around, so dig out that heirloom strawberry preserves recipe and come on over! Don't have an heirloom strawberry preserves recipe? You can borrow mine, given to me by my fabulous mother-in-law:
1 cup sugar for...
... each pound of strawberries (1 pound = about 3 cups)
Hull the strawberries. In a bowl, layer the strawberries and sugar. Let stand for several hours in fridge to allow the berries to "juice up". Cook 4 cups of berries and juice at a time in a heavy, deep pan. Bring to a boil quickly and reduce heat to medium-high, cooking for 15 minutes. After cooking, place in glass jars or plastic containers, and refrigerate. You can freeze preserves that won't be eaten within a week. I'm a huge fan of freezer preserving - it's a great way to get some springtime when the season is long gone.
In other news:
- The new recycling bins will be in full effect this Saturday - there'll be one by the City tent and a couple others throughout the Market.
- Wondering where to park your bike at the Market? Click here for more information about biking in Urbana, and a map of the City's available bike parking.
- Curious about what's available at the Market this week? Hoping to get a site map of the Market? Looking for more information about U-Cycle, the City of Urbana State Tree Trail, the Public Art Program, and other City initiatives? Stop by the City's tent at the northwest entrance to the Market (the entrance closest to Lincoln Square Village) to pick up literature, ask questions, or just to say hello.
A final produce availability list and some news about June 14 Market vendors will be posted tomorrow - in the meantime, please take our very unscientific poll over there in the sidebar.
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